My Home Group Real Estate
Gabriel Hernandez
Gabriel G. Hernandez

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What my clients are saying  

I typically do not write a review for anything or anyone, but the outstanding service I received from our Realtor Gabriel Hernandez calls for an exception. Gabriel put quality over quantity when it came to helping my family and I sell a home. What I mean by quality is we were not just a “number” to him, he genuinely cared to get to know us and familiarize himself with what we were comfortable with. He was thorough and professional and great to work with. He took care of everything for us, since we were out of state sellers. He even scheduled some minor maintenance and landscaping that was needed before the closing. By the end of the first week on the market, he secured us a contract that we were more than happy with.


~ Malak W.

Gabriel was extremely helpful finding a house for us. We flew in from out of state for a weekend and Gabriel showed us several houses in our preferred area, in our price range and with our specifications. We couldn’t be happier with our home. Gabriel was available & helpful throughout the process!


~ Shawn B.

Gabriel is a rare find in the world of real estate. He is honest, hardworking, and exudes patience. We worked together for a year before finding my dream home. He helped make sure I was set up for success and not failure when I finally made the jump. He helped negotiate the terms of my deal and made sure the sellers took care of everything to the expected and agreed upon standard. I cannot recommend him enough to those of you looking to purchase a home!


~ Rosaria

Gabriel went above and beyond our expectations. Being that we were first time homebuyers we were very intimidated by this whole process. Gabriel made sure we understood every step we were taking towards buying our first home. We look forward to using his services in the future.


~ Gabriel Z

Gabriel was very professional and attentive to our desires and needs. We contacted Him over a year before we closed. He is in the process for the long run. Never gave up on us and always treated us as if we had all of his attention. Through the process we had moments of doubt and concern and he provided the information that brought uncertainties into perspective and unbelief into reality!! We can’t say enough about Gabriel and his commitment to the process and the end result!


~ Jarid and Suzie

I have worked with realtors a lot over the past 30 years and Gabriel was by far the best! My wife and I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants personalized service. He was always early to appointments. He did a great job coordinating showings for us and working with our schedules especially with us being out of town! He always followed up on emails, text and phone calls. Great service


~ The Branns

Gabriel Hernandez assisted my husband and I with the sale of our home and the purchase of a new property. We have worked with other real estate brokers and agents on other l real estate transactions over the years and can say with confidence that Gabriel is the best agent/ broker we have ever used. Gabriel has the qualities that make him an extremely successful and effective broker. We can’t say enough about his professionalism and knowledge within the industry. He has high integrity and is very conscientious and tenacious, always keeping the clients’ best interests in mind. He is extremely responsive to questions, often responding immediately to our late-night emails after midnight. We also would not hesitate to use him again as our listing agent if we were selling a property. He is very smart, and transactions can sometime become very complex.


~ Monica R

I’ve had Gabe represent me twice as a buyer and once as a seller. His dedication and passion for real estate is a strength that separates him from others. Gabe’s response to my questions were always answered in a timely manner and I felt well represented. I wouldn’t hesitate to use Gabe again for buying or selling a home.


~ Sarah P.

Gabriel did and amazing job helping us with the purchase of our first home. He was very knowledgeable and made the process super easy. He was also quick to respond to any and all questions throughout the whole process.


~ Alejandra H

Gabriel helped us find our home during the height of the pandemic and made the experience as seamless as possible. He was aggressive when necessary, honest when we needed it, and didn’t lead us into something we weren’t one thousand percent sure on. His attention to detail is unmatched, he is punctual, responsive, and professional. I would recommend him to anyone looking to buy or sell their home.


~ Meagan B

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